Crop Biochemistry and Physiology


Group presentation


Understanding stress-related processes in plants is critical in order search for crops that can best adapt to suboptimal growing conditions. One of the most common strategies is to characterize agronomically genotypes/cultivars with contrasting phenotypes, as well as their physiological responses, thus identifying molecular, biochemical and physiological mechanisms involved in responses to environmental stress (abiotic and/or biotic). The elucidation of such mechanisms will facilitate the identification and further characterization of useful genes, alleles and molecules for the creation/obtaining of new cultivars and will improve the yield and resilience of crops under stress conditions.

Research lines

Contribute to the development of Sustainable Agriculture through two areas:

  • (1) Identifying biochemical and physiological mechanisms of adaptation to climate change.

We use corn as a model species in monocots. We go deep into the study of the composition of cell walls (structural phenols, hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin) and their role in resistance against insect pests (Sesamia and Ostrinia) or fungal infections caused by species of the genus Fusarium. In the same way, we also characterize in detail the metabolic and physiological responses under conditions of water stress and high temperatures. The applied objective consists of obtaining materials with a better agronomic performance under environmental stresses, reducing the use of pesticides and favouring a responsible management of water resources.

  • (2) Researching on different uses of crops.

In addition to advancing in integrated pest control, sustainable agriculture includes among its objectives a better use of crops. The use of corn forage and the improvement of the efficiency of its use in the feeding of cattle is one of the main keys for the dairy sector; while, on the other hand, after the corn ears are harvested, the use of lignocellulosic residues is encouraged to obtain second-generation biofuels. The applied objectives consist of obtaining materials with a better use in animal digestibility or ethanolic potential under different conditions of environmental stress.

Group staff

Grupo de Bioquímica y Fisiología de cultivos

NombrePuestoExtensiónTeléfono directoemailsede
Rogelio Santiago Carabelos Científico Titular 430194 986596081 se.cisc.gbm@ogaitnasr Pontevedra
Ana Isabel Carballeda Pardal Especialista I+D+I 430195 986596082 se.cisc.gbm@cana Pontevedra
María Sonia Pereira Crespo Licenciada 430295 986596143 se.cisc.gbm@ariereps Pontevedra
Ana Lopez Malvar Permiso de estancia lag.ogivu@ravlamzepola Pontevedra